
Student 可持续性 Organizations

There are numerous campus groups and clubs for students to get involved in. 对于一个 full list of student clubs, please visit the Skidmore 学生会 Association's club page 或探索 SkidSync 找到每个俱乐部的页面. Below is a list of clubs and groups that students who work with Sustainable Skidmore are often a part of.


EAC is a community of students committed to promoting sustainability at Skidmore and within the lives of Skidmore Students. This group connects members to  activism opportunities 在这个地区和校园里. 点击这里 to find more information about how to get involved. 


进给器通过EAC运行. Members take leftover food from the dining hall and donate it to soup kitchens in Saratoga. 要参与进来, 点击这里.


The 火博体育大学 郊游俱乐部 facilitates hiking, climbing, canoeing, and adventuring trips for people of all experience levels. This group is a great way to try out hiking for the first time, and it is a helpful network to find easy transportation to explore 自然. To look through their upcoming events on Skid Sync, 点击这里.

SGA 可持续性 Committee (SuCo)

This group of students works within the Student Govenment Association to deepen sustainability efforts in student life and with campus student policy. 要成为一个代表, 学生应该 接触SGA. 点击这里 to learn more about SGA’s 可持续性 Committee on Skid Sync.

SuCo was created due to the need for representation of sustainability within the Student Government Association (SGA) to help reflect student interest and momentum around 这个话题. Because other student issues have led to the creation of committees and positions on SGA, a similar approach was proposed for sustainability by Talia Arnow '13 beginning in fall 2011, which led to the creation of the initial committee in 2012年春季. At the same time that the committee was formed, a sustainability senator 位置也被创建了. The sustainability senator is charged with chairing the SGA 可持续性 Committee (SuCo). Other committees on SGA include the Committee on 学生生活, Budget and Finance for student clubs and events, Academic Council 以及多元化事务委员会.    

SuCo was proposed in fall 2011 and officially created in the spring semester of 2012. The committee functioned well, but during the fall 2012 semester committee members felt it was necessary to alter the membership of the committee to reflect a more holistic scope that covered all of the three pillars of sustainability. 因此,成员 and structure of the committee was altered and reorganized in order to reflect the social, economic and environmental aspects of sustainability.

During the fall 2012 semester, SuCo wrote a status report, a compilation of all student-led sustainability initiatives dating back to 2003. 状态报告是用 seven topic areas: food, waste, transportation, green buildings, land management, 能源与学术. The report is a continuous work in progress and will be updated yearly as more initiatives are initiated and completed.

In the spring of 2013, SuCo fully adopted the new structure, with new membership and 新的使命和愿景. SuCo helped put on multiple events linked to sustainability and partnered with many student groups to increase awareness and education of sustainability 在校园. The two biggest achievements of SuCo were supporting the writing of two resolutions to be presented to SGA Senate. One of the resolutions is a sustainable 食品采购建议. This resolution was created through a collaboration between SuCo and the Real 食物 Challenge student group. 另一个决议是相关的 to a divestment campaign for the college, a collaboration with the Environmental Action Club, who began the divestment campaign during the 2012–13 academic year.

In recent years, SuCo has pursued a variety of creative projects. 2015年,玛雅·科恩 '17 worked to develop a sustainability survey for incoming first years. 通过2017 - 18, Zoe Pagliaro '20 designed a food waste outreach program in the Murray-Aiking Dining Hall to curb excess waste and spark behavior change.