


Each fall semester, a select group of 第一个 year Skidmore students 将 spend their 第一个 semester of college in London, one of the world’s greatest cities. 除了 to exposing students to the historical and cultural riches of England’s capital, the 第一年的经验 in London (LFYE) serves as a foundation for students’ four years 在火博体育. This program enables students to earn credit towards their degree(s), introduces them into Skidmore’s academic rigor; and builds a strong connection among the participants and two faculty directors.

Choosing to spend a semester abroad is a big decision at any point in one’s college 职业生涯. 选择出国留学 第一个 semester takes a special kind of student, one who thrives in moments of uncertainty and is excited by the prospect of the unfamiliar.

这听起来像你吗? If so, your road to Skidmore may start in London…


When reviewing the applicant pool for the 伦敦第一年经验, we look for:

学生 showing intellectual curiosity and readiness for a transformative experience
We are looking for students who take their learning into new settings; who take part in activities that foster growth, both academically and personally; who embrace the 尝试新事物的机会.

学生 who demonstrate their leadership, independent thinking, and decision-making 技能
Whether it is traveling on your own, working your way up within a job or internship, or taking risks within academic or extracurricular arenas, we are looking for students who challenge themselves and are self-reliant.

学生 with the maturity to maintain academic rigor while exploring a new environment
Successful candidates should be able to show that they have maintained a strong academic record even as they have immersed themselves in challenging new settings, taken on exceptional responsibilities, or engaged in wholly new experiences.    


学生 who succeed in London are adaptable, adventurous, and self-sufficient. 在这里 你可以问自己以下几个问题:

将 you feel comfortable immersing yourself in a different culture?
While you 将 be taking classes and living with other Skidmore students, the professors and onsite staff for your semester in London 是英国. You’ll share a residence hall with students from all over the world and engage with a wide variety of new cultural realities every day. 文化接触 differences 将 be a daily occurrence, which 将 add to the excitement and challenge 你在伦敦的这学期. 你准备好迎接挑战了吗?

Can you succeed without extensive academic support?
Skidmore offers many academic support options on campus through the office of Student Academic Services, the Office of Academic Advising, and the Writing Center—especially 在学生的第一年. 这是 something we can replicate off campus for the 伦敦第一年经验. 学生 in London 将 不 have the same resources. Are you prepared to engage in academic work without substantial supplementary assistance?

Could ongoing medical or mental health concerns compromise your London experience?
The London FYE program has well-developed support structures for students who become sick or require health interventions. Of course, the city of London itself has numerous resources to assist students with acute or ongoing health needs as well. 但是,我们的 London students—unlike our campus students--do 不 have access to nearby health or 咨询服务. While we can help students identify local resources, we do 不 have health professionals on staff that are dedicated to serving our students’ needs. Remember that the stress of living abroad can often exacerbate current conditions; 将 you be able to thrive without dedicated medical or mental health staff?

Are you 将ing to put yourself out there—不 once, but TWICE?
You don’t need to be an extrovert to succeed in the London FYE! 然而,你的 semester in London and the transition back to campus 将 require a 将ingness to immerse yourself in a new environment. In particular, London students who are ready for the challenges abroad sometimes don’t realize that the return to Skidmore in January may also be disorienting; it can be easy to withdraw unless you take the initiative to meet new people and try new things. Skidmore 将 help you by planning activities and offering support, but it 将 be up to you to build your life on campus. 将 you be able to handle a second immersion (never mind the snow…) in order to meet new 参与进来?